Neptune is comin’ in hot in the next few weeks! Okay not really, I’m pretty sure it’s very cold out that direction. But regardless of temperature, let’s take a look at what Neptune represents and what’s coming up. Neptune is the release of boundaries, and everything that means, both literal and metaphorical. This is the space where dreams evolve, where enthusiasm and creativity play, and where imagination rules. Your imagination, btw, may create the imaginary, but that is only one of it’s many functions. Imagination is also your access point not only to creativity and adaptation, but also into mystical …
Triple Conjunction This Week
Alright y’all, this week has some big isht going on! First we’ve got the New Moon — yeah yeah, big deal. This pales (no pun intended) in comparison to the conjunction that’s coming up in the wee hours on Thursday. Venus, Mars, and Pluto form a rare triple conjunction this week. This peaks on Thursday, though I suspect it will feel the most potent on Wednesday the 2nd. Relationships are getting shook. Old, unsupportive, “relationship in name only” connections are breaking down. Any time Pluto brings a transformative touch to a situation, it’s not likely to be subtle. For some, …
Where do you picture “success”?
I’ve been hanging tarot cards on my wall recently (as one does), and building something of an abstract tree out of them. Each card’s placement has unexpectedly taken on meaning (much like, y’know, tarot – shoulda seen that coming). I picked up a card with the label “success.” I thought, “well, clearly this needs to go at the top of the tree, up here at the ‘end’ where fruit grows and all that.” As I pressed the tape against the wall, my body froze. Why? I wondered. Why is “success” up here? Far away? Out of reach? “At the end”? …
Your Passion Is Not Your Job Title
It’s an idea that has been imprinted on you since you were a child. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” How often do you think you heard that question? More than once? More than once a year? More? From the time you were able to form complex sentences, people have been asking you what you want to be. As though you aren’t “being” sufficiently already. As though you are supposed to transform into something new when you become an adult. And they would ask you as though you must certainly have an answer. It was rare …
Your Future is Hurting You Now
Today, I want to talk to you about how your future is destroying your ability to make decisions in the present. … Just saying those words fucks me up a little bit, so I just want to take a moment to say it again so we are both clear on the topic today. Your future is destroying your ability to make decisions today. Once upon a time, there was a girl. That girl was me. I had a job that wasn’t terrible, but over time it drove me into the ground. I didn’t feel like myself there. I didn’t feel …
Meditation for Support and Connection
Today’s episode is a free meditation for the holidays. This meditation is for you if: You feel overwhelmed by family interactions You’re struggling with feeling alone during the holidays Your holiday interactions with friends and family have not felt supportive The holidays can be a real mix of emotions. My hope for this meditation is to help you dodge, or at least diminish, some of the struggles that come from this time of year. This meditation is about 9 minutes long, and you’ll need to find a quiet space to listen. As with any meditation, please don’t use this while …
Why Goals Fail
Every new moon, I take a little time to set intentions for the month. I like to base it on the star sign that the Moon is in, mostly because it’s fun – I also feel there is a synchronicity between astrology signs and the time of the year. A few days ago I was giving an online group session around setting intentions, and an excellent question came up, Why intentions and not goals. I want to offer a challenge. In this world where goals are idealized. Don’t set any. Don’t set any this month, don’t set any for the …
Eliminating Perfectionism
I love listening to the intro music as a way to warm up for these podcasts. So I’m sitting here with my headphones on, snapping along, thinking wow, my snaps sound great! And then I realize … I can’t hear my snaps at all, that’s the music. Womp woomp! Today I want to talk to you about a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: perfectionism. It wasn’t until very recently that the idea was even floated that maybe “perfect” as a goal was not helpful, and more recently had the realization that shook my understanding of perfectionism to …
Bonus: What Does It Mean to Be a Wizard
On this bonus podcast episode, I discuss what it means to me to be a wizard and how I got here.
Podcast Introduction
Hello hello! Welcome to the wizard files, I’m so glad to have you here with me as we start out on this new adventure. My name is Sonja, you can find me online at sonjathegrey on Instagram and Twitter, and my website is I’m going to keep it short and sweet here in today’s episode, as I introduce what this podcast is – who it’s for, who I am, what I do, and what you can expect. So. Who is this for. This is a podcast for the seekers. And, I’m going to tell you what I mean by that. …