Y’all, New Moon on Sunday!
As an Aries energy, it’s about new beginnings, fresh starts. But hold up, that’s not all. When we zoom in a little closer, this positioning is the Archetype I call “The Expansion.”

It’s frisky. Wriggly. Wants to pop. It can be a time of brand new beginnings if that’s what you need. But it might be a time to explore what it looks like to have your shit level up.
There’s a secret hiding in this energy. Expansion requires detachment – a willingness to release the past, and move forward into the future without expectation or assumption about what will happen.
Wee bit of a paradox when we’re talking about planning for the future! That’s okay. The future is best held lightly anyway.
It could be a bit of an emotional ride this weekend as well – Pluto is square both Moon and Venus. When Pluto squares off with other planets, he’s shaking things up. I tend to hear Pluto as stepping up next to the planet and saying, “Alright, whatcha got? Bring it, let’s go.” Moon and Venus are deeply connected to our emotions, so to have Pluto square both of them at the same time as the New Moon energy, could be some feels.
In this energy this weekend, here are some ideas.
- Spend some time considering this weekend what in your life you want to grow in the upcoming month and year. You might journal, draw, do a Tarot spread, for example. Then ask yourself, what do I need to release in order to allow this expansion to occur?
- If the emotions get big, step back from them a bit if you can. You can say, “ah, here they are. Here are these big emotions, I knew these might show up today.” And if it is safe for you to do so, consider letting yourself feel through them. If you find judgement or shame, you can tell yourself, “I’m safe, I got this, there’s no shame in feelings.” So if you can and it feels okay, let them move through you and out the other side, and see if there’s fresh perspective there.
- You’re not alone.
- It may be that the big emotions are connected to the thing you’re releasing. This might be just the time to look at leaning in to whether it’s time to let go. And if it is, bring your attention to what you’ll be allowing in if you do. What gets to grow into this new space you’re making for yourself?
If you’d like to learn more about which energies are getting all stuck up in your life, how about a reading? I use the Archetypes and some psychic wizardry to see what’s holding you up. If you’re interested, let me know. 💜🔮🧙
Cosmic Details –
The Expansion
Position: 29
Location: 20⁰ 45′ 0″ Aries – 26⁰ 22′ 30″ Aries
Hexagram: 42 ䷩ Increase / Augmenting / Increasing (Wil/Kar/Hua)
HD: Growth; Increase
GK: Expectation; Detachment; Celebration
Tarot: Four of Wands; Completion (Thoth)
Influences: IV The Emperor (Aries); XVI The Tower (Mars)